How to Avoid Goal Fade
We all do it. We may set the goal and have clarity and understanding.
We emotionally absorb that our goal has purpose and we are excited and motivated to get started.
It takes time and we let other priorities slide light gauze mesh over our target and that starts to obscure our objective.
Before long it loses its shine and sadly transforms into something that is all but invisible.
How do we stop this fade?
Do we remind ourselves of why we placed the goal there in the first place?
Perhaps we doggedly find ways to re-invent the passion that will drive us there? I’ve been there and tried that. It didn’t work.
Here’s what does.
You have developed your dreams into a goal. It has clarity, passion and meaning.
You are determined to reach it with all of your heart.
You accept that you will have doubts and may even inadvertently sabotage your progress.
Instead of allowing the goal to vanish here’s a tool that works like magic.
Are you ready?
You simply connect your present daily habits and routines with the new goal reaching steps that you desire.
For example – If you have a habit of getting up and making coffee in the morning, then apply a small step just prior to that task that will be a positive movement toward your goal.
If it is fitness, then do one sit-up, one slow jumping jack and one push-up. If it is research that you are required to do, then build a checklist of what you will study while you drink your morning coffee. Complete the task and then celebrate with a big arms raised ‘hooray’.
It seems trivial and trite however it will be a building block that is locked into your present routine.
Each time you link a behaviour to your present habits, you engage a process of consistent reinforcement and the association with what you presently enjoy doing is even more powerful.
Another possible example – If you like to watch a favourite TV show, then take the remote control and place it in the location where you need to do the required goal achieving task first. When your task is complete, then reward yourself with another ‘hooray’ and go watch the show.
Again, this may seem silly but when you appreciate how our minds work, we have little capability of appreciating future benefits that show no rewards in the near term. By building better habits that are linked to our present reward triggers, we develop new habits that will soon become stronger. It won’t be long before one sit-up will become more, and the checklist for research will become an agenda for bold action.
I have often had difficulty with motivation for things that are too far in the future – but when my goals are linked to something close to the present, I find it so easy that finding motivation for these short, linked up activities is a non-event.
Link these activities with the steps of your goals and you will enter a building block approach that is achievable, measurable and time accountable.
Without even realizing it, you kept your goal sharply shining and a step closer to your reality.
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