Achieving Goals That You Have Set

The last blog described how our goals can be sabotaged through a series of doubts and regrets. We learned a great method to overcome those challenges. I hope it worked for you. This week we want to dive into how we can make the goals effective – and achievable!

It is one thing to write out your goals. They may be virtuous, courageous and provide a laser sharp light source to your objective. How do we ensure that it doesn’t just sit there and fizzle out, constantly replaced by everyday events and other bright shiny objects that bury its brilliance.

Three factors will ensure success in reaching your goals.

  1. Emotion. You must be attached emotionally to your goals. The buy in cannot be only logical. You own the goal – it is part of your fibre and it is something that brings passion.
  2. Pathway. You need a roadmap, with clear steps, and benchmarks to provide you the reinforcement and guidance during the many storms and distractions that will seduce you from your dream.
  3. Appreciation. Take each small step knowing that they will be hard at first, they will show negligible results and seem pointless at times, yet they are to be rewarded, praised and recorded to reinforce your bigger aim. Give yourself the gift of gratitude for having the courage to make steps in the right direction every day. Know that a stumble is likely and only an opportunity to show that you cannot not be discouraged from reaching the aim that you emotionally own.

I recently discovered an article from Communications trainer, Conor Neall. His interview of top performing athletes can help provide a blueprint for your own goal setting.

They seem to share some common traits. Conor Neall, describes what these traits are:

  1. Acceptance – An athlete accepts any circumstance at face value and reacts to it. They don’t judge or blame or pine over the challenge, they simply adjust to meet their objective.
  2. Presence – The high performing athlete will stay right in the moment. Making each action and decision based upon his or her present reality. Like a racehorse – that knows not when the end is, the horse just runs its hardest making each step. An athlete will ask the same question of himself – can I make the next step – if so – then I will do it.
  3. Responsibility – Conor Neall discovered that high performers seek assistance from coaches and physio trainers but ultimately centre the responsibility for all of their actions and feelings on themselves.
  4. Humility – This final trait is essential to ensure that success and victories do not lull the ego into relaxing ones efforts to improve and perform at ones best.

This is fine for the Superstars – but can this work for the rest of us? I can think of no better strategy in building momentum in any challenging goal.

Next time…. Why do successful companies have mission statements, yet very few individuals have them?

Goal Setting 101 – Clarity in Expressing your Vision

To understand the importance of Goal setting, you must also focus on the concept of: “Begin with the end in mind.”

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Imagine what it feels like to be passionate, in focus and congruent with thought, word and deed. Some can do this right now.

For the rest of us, we need to step back a few steps.

Let’s start with your life, as it exists today. What are your biggest weaknesses – or your greatest challenges? What are the behaviours and environmental circumstances that are holding you back from moving forward? Have you developed habits that sabotage any chance of meaningful change and improvement? Is your comfort zone so desirable that you paralyze your spirit and repeat another day – just like yesterday? This may not be you but perhaps it is someone you care about?

If so, then perhaps we are challenged to think about a few examples that may provide the starter fuel to our goal of setting a clear vision for our future.

I would like to suggest that this may be because we come from an area of scarcity instead of abundance. Sadly, many of us resist goal setting because it puts us in a place of fear or regret, doubt or shame. This scarcity focus will crash any chance of dreams as they might become nightmares.

There is good news! We can use a simple technique to put your goals in a positive light.

1. Write out as many goals as you can imagine. At least 20.

2. Write out goals or dreams that you have already accomplished or received.




That’s right. In order to place your mind in an area of abundance, you need to describe in writing your goals and dreams that are already in your life.

It may be – I want a loyal loving dog that I can come home to and this companion loves and accepts me for who I am.   If you have that pet, then write it out somewhat as shown.

This exercise not only gives you great appreciation and gratitude but it is essential in your goal setting exercise. You see beyond the benefits just mentioned, it places you in a position of abundance.

3. Now write out your goals, alternating between the dreams that you have achieved and the ones that are still out there.

This technique will enable you to interleave the positive ‘abundant’ goals with the ones that may trigger doubt, remorse, shame, guilt and all of the other chains and anchors stopping you from making wonderful life filling progress.

Once that is done, you will have made a large step towards building up a powerful list of achievable goals.

Please try this now. 20 goals of hopes and dreams and 20 goals that are already in your life. You will be able to pair them down later.

I should caution that once you have these goals, you may experience some emotions that might be uncomfortable. That is normal. It is like receiving a gift that you feel you don’t deserve. Accept these feelings but then place them to the side as you understand the importance of having your goals serve your needs – (not the other way around).

Credit: life Coach School – Brooke Castillo podcast Ep. # 3 How to Set Goals.

Leadership and Life Coaching – Time to Get Serious

I am so excited to start providing better content for your needs.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get serious about what is important.  The fundamentals that are important to you and valuable to your immediate world – and finally that in turn will become a benefit to our larger world; a human world where we find our path.  A world where we listen to the needs of others and become more effective at helping others and as a selfish benefit, we become more fulfilled in the process.

Are you ready?

I am.  I will be making mistakes along the way but with your input and feedback, we can make changes that improve lives – one step and one person at a time.

So, how do we do this?

First, we realize that we need a vision.  A goal.  There is no sense pursuing a path without understanding the objective.  The Why?

If we want to change in meaningful ways, then our vision must be clear.

How can we articulate our vision?  Many of us know that we want to be better.  We ‘feel’ that in our bones.  Yet we can’t express it with clarity.

In the next blog, we will start with ‘Clarity in Expressing Your Vision’.  Funny play on words but pertinent as we cannot guide ourselves or others until we have that objective completed.  Martin Luther King Jr. was able to express his vision.  As did John F. Kennedy, Steven Jobs, Richard Branson, Ghandi and the list goes on.


Enjoy life and see you soon. We are in for an afterburner ride to success and fulfillment.